The triumphant return of Wednesday Invasion car meets

The triumphant return of Wednesday Invasion car meets

A foolish person once said Las Vegas Car Meets “will never recover” from our hiatus. Well they clearly underestimated the car communities relationship with us. 500 cars on our first night back sent a clear message. The car scene wants us back! So here we are thanks to your support with a bunch of photos to show off some of […]

SO Def Films Wednesday Invasion throwback video

SO Def Films Wednesday Invasion throwback video

Take a stroll back to simpler times when car meets were popping around the block over at Filmworkz. So Def Films covered a little bit of the night with a quick 2 minute edit showing off a few of the rides that rolled through. Check out the video then follow through for a subscribe to his channel. While you’re here […]

Over 400 photos from Wednesday Invasion at Cinnaholic

Over 400 photos from Wednesday Invasion at Cinnaholic

Phew took awhile to upload this batch of photos! Thanks to the contributions of some talented people we have over 400 for you to scroll through. Even this many photos will barely give you an idea of just how many cars turned out for our Wednesday Invasion meet at Cinnaholic. Thanks to them we got to use a huge lot […]

Coverage from Wednesday Invasion at Tire Xpress – July 3rd, 2019

Coverage from Wednesday Invasion at Tire Xpress – July 3rd, 2019

Our Wednesday Invasion car meet had another big turn out as you’ll see. They continue to bring in such a mix of vehicles. We thank everyone for coming out to be a part of our efforts. We must be doing something right. Huge thanks to Tire Xpress for the invite! Aero Detail Products sponsored a bunch of sample products including […]