The triumphant return of Wednesday Invasion car meets
A foolish person once said Las Vegas Car Meets “will never recover” from our hiatus. Well they clearly underestimated the car communities relationship with us. 500 cars on our first night back sent a clear message. The car scene wants us back! So here we are thanks to your support with a bunch of photos to show off some of the rides that came out. And yes more meets are in the works. As always we strive to provide only the best locations that we can. It takes a lot of work to organize these events. We’re always looking for additional business partners to expand our partnerships around Clark County. Having multiple locations to utilize make it more convenient for everyone to attend. So if you know a business owner who would be interested in working with us please reach out on the contact page. We’d love to see if we can work together. All we look for it 500 spaces, good lighting and we’ll work out getting the proper permissions and precautions in place to continue to enjoy safe and successful meets!