Wednesday Invasion at Fun Tacos Coverage – 3/6/19

Wednesday Invasion at Fun Tacos Coverage – 3/6/19

I almost had a total meltdown trying to get this one together on time. Our long time supporter Fun Tacos has us out monthly and we usually communicate really well but this time I got a call just hours ahead of the event to be told they’d be closed. They had to go and cater another event so panic mode […]

Wednesday Invasion at 808 Smokes – Coverage 2/27/19

Wednesday Invasion at 808 Smokes – Coverage 2/27/19

I didn’t expect to see a higher turn out than the incredible grand opening celebration we hosted at 808 Smokes back in January but with continued support we managed to outdo ourselves! As you can see from our photo collections we had a large and diverse group even complete with a few police vehicles. The police received a complaint from […]

Going underground at Cafe No Fur – Coverage

Going underground at Cafe No Fur – Coverage

Welp we were blindsided when we showed up to our Monday Invasion to find out the shopping center was nearly full because of a restaurant throwing a Chinese New Year party. Fortunately for us the underground garage was open to us and ended up actually being better after all because it was freezing out and the garage sheltered us from […]