Coverage from Wednesday Invasion at Tire Xpress – July 3rd, 2019

Coverage from Wednesday Invasion at Tire Xpress – July 3rd, 2019

Our Wednesday Invasion car meet had another big turn out as you’ll see. They continue to bring in such a mix of vehicles. We thank everyone for coming out to be a part of our efforts. We must be doing something right. Huge thanks to Tire Xpress for the invite! Aero Detail Products sponsored a bunch of sample products including […]

Wednesday Invasion Fun Tacos Coverage – May 1st, 2019

Wednesday Invasion Fun Tacos Coverage – May 1st, 2019

Woo if you’re seeing this you must’ve done your part and followed @manny_shootz on Instagram to get him to 250 followers! Thanks for the support of our local photographer. This man is out weekly to cover whatever we do and regardless of how the lighting is at any location he manages to turn up some great quality photos. If you […]

808 Smokes Wednesday Invasion Coverage – April 24th, 2019

808 Smokes Wednesday Invasion Coverage – April 24th, 2019

What a great night out! Huge turn out of around 400 which unfortunately for that location is just far too many. Before 8 o’clock we were maxed out of space and those coming in really had to get creative with their parking situation. 808 Smokes stayed slammed inside and are always extremely grateful for the support the community shows them […]