Fast, loud and sideways at Vegas Drift

Fast, loud and sideways at Vegas Drift

Photos : Jordan Hunter February 26th was a busy day in our city for the car community. Drifting, car shows and meets were all on the calendar but I think the best of the day had to be Vegas Drift’s event down at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. 100s of cars took to the courses to test their skill and […]

A day of smoke and tire rubber at VegasDrift : Import Face Off pt. 1

A day of smoke and tire rubber at VegasDrift : Import Face Off pt. 1

Reluctantly crouched at the starting line. Engines pumping and thumping in time. The green light flashes, the flags go up. Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup. Well… maybe. Because at the heart of Vegas Drift is not any awards but the opportunity let loose. They remain the best option in this city for all the angstful people who […]