Oh, how I do love a good Vegas Drift. But night drift sessions just hit so good. Getting there in the heat as it turns in to night. Getting those golden hour shots you just can’t fake any other time of day. The drivers brought the smoke making for some awesome photo opportunities. I loved getting to shoot this one.
360 Carshow 9th Island Edition
For over a decade 360 Carshow has been the go to local grown car show. From humble beginnings of car meets as far back as 2008 they’ve now created signature shows that not only draw hundreds of cars but tens of thousands of participants for charity events under their non-profit Project Taco. Recently they’ve given me the opportunity to lead […]
Relentless Muscle Poker Run
Relentless Muscle is always up to something. They’re one of the few I know I trust to put together a legitimate experience. This time they had the idea to try an event more typically seen in the motorcycle community, a poker run. What is that, you ask? It’s like a scavenger hunt. Drivers will have a list of locations to […]
Supercar meetup at Red Rock Motor Club – February
It’s a well kept secret but the Red Rock Motor Club holds a once a month get together for friends of “Chef” or Head Chef of the property, or Mr.Pfersching. It’s a no membership required but invite only soiree for food, drink and good company. I’ve been fortunate to have been going for a while now but until recently not […]
Sneak peak of the Banging Gears TV series
Coming soon to Amazon Prime video services is a show for all the gear heads. Banging Gears started it’s filming process here in Las Vegas at the Speedway where in just 2 week they accomplished what most production teams could only hope to do in months. Nearly 100 cars from across the country came to face off head to head […]