360 Carshow 9th Island Edition
For over a decade 360 Carshow has been the go to local grown car show. From humble beginnings of car meets as far back as 2008 they’ve now created signature shows that not only draw hundreds of cars but tens of thousands of participants for charity events under their non-profit Project Taco. Recently they’ve given me the opportunity to lead the car show side and I feel so privileged for the opportunity to take charge of the car show side of their events. We’ve done our best to help expand the experience. We feel that standing in a parking lot under summer heat for $40 or more is played out and we aim to change that. With over 10 food trucks, 20 local business vendors, a main stage full of performances throughout the day, give-aways and a second stage dedicated to the car show there was plenty to enjoy. We know that trophies are a big allure of course and we did not disappoint with some amazing custom creations from our friends One Up Acrylix for top 40 and 5 specialty awards. If you didn’t win we still hope you made the most of the event as their was no shortage of entertainment to enjoy and that’s what we hope people can take away from any 360 Carshow is that it was above and beyond any shows put on locally when it comes to the shear size and offering to the participants.
And of course the reason the car show continues to be a large part of the festivals put on by Project Taco is to benefit several organizations. This event participant entries helped send the CCSD highschool Mariachi group who will be performing in Waikiki this weekend as well as funds were donated to the family of our brother in the community Marcus “Shorty” of Fatboys Hydraulics , that we unexpectedly lost in February, to help them in this time of need. So thank you again for being a part of the big picture by attending our latest 360 Carshow, 9th Island Edition, and we hope you will continue to support our event in the future.