The epic block party and car meet at The Dope Exchange grand opening

In their own words…
The Dope Exchange is “a loosely organized co-op of artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, dreamers…you know – creative visionaries, working to build our brands in an atmosphere that allows us to achieve individual successes, while at the same time contributing to the success of our fellow members. Working together with other co-op members, we produce live events, social media interactions, and pop-up opportunities to generate awareness and good will in the community towards our brands. By facilitating eCommerce, design, manufacturing, marketing, and fulfillment for our members, they in turn can spend their time focusing on their creative endeavors and spreading the good word.”
With that all inclusive mindset of course their grand opening was a huge success! There was an awesome collection of artists, live music performances and small business owners that helped give this event a strong positive vibe. With their booths all set up in front of the new store they were offering everything from custom art pieces to handcrafted soaps to local apparel brands and even photo ops with live reptiles. The stage featured incredibly talented music artists throughout the whole event with many different genres to grace the stage. Food trucks lined the lot keeping everyone fed through the night as the energy at this event surely kept the calories burning. Reign was out there with us keeping everyone cool, quenched and wired with their free energy drinks.

When they hit us up to help them draw in a crowd at their grand opening block party we were stoked. The owners have been coming out to our meets for awhile. We last collaborated with them a few years back for a downtown event they put on but that hardly compares to how far they’ve come. It was great to see all the worlds collide. You had this art and music inspired core of the event. Then Las Vegas Car Meets and LV Raw Magazine brought in the car collection. With the help of LV Raw Magazine we did not disappoint when we filled up all the spaces. Even though the different sides were stark you could feel the all of us came with the same passion for vehicles. The different eras, stylings and modifications created two distinct crowds but there was no shortage of admiration from both sides for the other.
That’s the beauty of the car scene. Even though we have different ambitions for our cars we can all appreciate the hard work someone else put into their own unique vision of perfection. And thanks to all of you we got to share that with a whole community of people who may not have been exposed to our Las Vegas Car Meets culture yet and hopefully we inspired a few of them too. We’re looking forward to the future with The Dope Exchange, LV Raw Magazine and anyone else who would like to be involved with us because we know we can continue to put on some incredible events if we work together.