2020 Toy Drive with Esoteric Auto Crew & Las Vegas Car Meets
It felt strange but so wonderful to be addressing a parking lot completely full of people after such a long break. The last time we invaded a Cinnaholic was back in the first week of March this year just before the lockdown. With world events drastically changing the way in which we live our day to day lives many have been uprooted and are in need of help more now than ever. Esoteric Auto Crew knew it was necessary to make an impactful come back as a community before the year was out. They reached out to Las Vegas Car Meets knowing over the last few years we’ve made every effort to help multiple causes and this year would be no different. We connected with the great people at Cinnaholic who have supported our community whenever we’ve asked in the past. All of us came together to set up this great evening of beautiful vehicles, generous people and we successfully collected hundreds of new toys thanks to all those that contributed. Those donations will now be taken to the 98.5 Chet Buchanan annual toy drive to benefit families in need of some Christmas hope through the Help of Southern Nevada non profit organization. We’d like to thank everyone for coming out and being a part of that on this night. It meant the world to be welcomed back to hosting a car meet by everyone like we never skipped a beat. Much love for you all.
If you couldn’t make it out please take a moment to consider donating toys to Chet Buchanan up until December 14th or directly to Help at any time as they support families all year long.
Photos of some of you great individuals rides below taken by LVCM! Feel free to download and share. Tag @lasvegascarmeets on Instagram to show us some love.