The largest turn out and the wildest weather ever at our monthly car showcase in the Arts District
The difference between car meets and car shows used to clearly defined but Las Vegas Car Meets has definitely blurred that line. If you’ve read our article from the Road to El Dorado event you know the quality of events we’re attempting to curate. And we appreciate how everyone has been so extremely receptive. The turn out at this past event was the largest to date with the most registrations since we started keeping track.
With so many people it was already quite the spectacle to behold. But mother mature not to be outdone was ready to put on a show of her own. Las Vegas that night was hit with gusts of wind up to 70mph in some parts. We got a taste of that for about 30 minutes while all the vendors tents had to be brought down for safety reasons. A sand storm blew in limiting visibility. And to wrap it up a 15 minute sprinkle. All happening in the window of an hour. This was enough to scare a handful of people to roll out but that didn’t seem to put much of a dent on the rest of the event for the night.
Models were strutting their stuff, posing with cars and getting their photos taken by our sponsors Carslutt and Moisty.Boyz. Aero Detail Products was in a great position to send all the now dusty, water spotted cars home with product to fix them up right up. Surprisingly the ones that didn’t move an inch through any of this was the Vegas Elite Supercars along with all the other cars in the VIP area. So the show continued on. With DJ Comfort Jones playing live inside the 18bin. Photographers catching the event. And finally at 9:30 we got to trophies before we winded down the event for the night. Big shoutout to Liquid Death for giving away a 12 pack of their product to every trophy winner!
Another great event that we were proud to put on and as always appreciative to each and every one who participated to make it possible. Checkout the photos below! If you see one you like feel free to download it but please don’t forget to leave any watermarks from the photographer and tag them any time you use their work across social media!