808 Smokes grand opening coverage
This was one of my favorite meets to date. 808 smokes asked me if I’d help them with their grand opening and after checking out the spot I knew it would be a hit. They offered a unique opportunity for us to expand our reach in the south side of town. Our meets are usually catered to 200-300 vehicles and this time we boasted over that with the parking lot beyond it’s capacity but still managing to accommodate everyone.
We kept the entertainment up and saw the lot stay full the whole event. Jams we’re bumping from the shop while inside was bustling with people taking advantage of the exclusive 25% off. Perros Chidos was outside serving up hot food. Loaded cheese fries and bacon wrapped hot dogs always help tame the crowd. A traditional Chinese dragon line dance put on a spectacular show for us. With their band banging on drums these beautifully colored dragons took to the isles to collect red envelopes from the community to bring the business good luck!
808 Smokes,Vapetasia and HNRS generously threw free vape juices, lanyards, hats, shirts and more to the crowd, skate demo style, where it was every person for themselves in a frenzied prize grab. We planned to finish the evening with one more toss up of gifts buuuuut then all hell broke loose. A big old lifted white truck did a burnout in the lot. I went to chase him down and before I could reach him he was pulled over and being taken to jail by one of the police spectating our event. Often time the police come and in two years of events we haven’t had to leave our spot until that night. Thankfully it was already 10pm and the event was meant to end but I’d have preferred we left on better terms with the property thanks to this truck driver.
All in all I have no complaints about that night and I hope it made for some really great memories for all of you! Appreciate your support as always. It’s for you that I continue to strive to make meets bigger and better as we go and so far this new year is off to a fantastic start. Congratulations again to 808 Smokes on their new business and we hope to work with them again!
Photos provided by 📸@manolosk8 📸@furiouss_stylez Please check them out on Instagram!