Wednesday Invasion X Toy Drive for Sunrise Children’s Hospital
Another week… Another huge turn out! Thank you everyone who made it out to join us especially as we tried to collect toys for the Sunrise Children’s Hospital before Christmas. We managed to take them their biggest single donation this season! I couldn’t be happier to have done so and prouder of everyone who participated in this cause. We took the donations out to them on Saturday and the staff was elated as much as they were unprepared to take that many presents. People always underestimate our community but not me! Thank you so much for being a part of it. Can’t wait to get 2019 started and introduce bigger, better and more events! Thanks for supporting our community with gifts every week Vegas Automotive Magazine, Aero Detail Products, Rip It Energy, and 24/7 Skins. We’ll be back next week at our old spot Tire Xpress on December 26th so look for the details coming up on our Instagram and Facebook
Check out some photos captured by Oohblindman on Wednesday and the toy haul we took to the hospital!
Always supporting our scene! @vegasautomag, @aerodetailproducts, @ripitenergy, @247skins Street Runners came in with a huge donation! Thanks Tiny, Marcus and Keoki for meeting up to unload the gifts!