Wednesday Invasion X Toy Drive for Sunrise Children’s Hospital

Wednesday Invasion X Toy Drive for Sunrise Children’s Hospital

Another week… Another huge turn out! Thank you everyone who made it out to join us especially as we tried to collect toys for the Sunrise Children’s Hospital before Christmas. We managed to take them their biggest single donation this season! I couldn’t be happier to have done so and prouder of everyone who participated in this cause. We took […]

Recap: Wednesday Invasion at Filmworkz

Recap: Wednesday Invasion at Filmworkz

A recap of our busy night Wednesday nights are all about the car and crowds. We show up to @filmworkzlv twice a month. On the second the fourth Wednesday’s to check out their open house with all the latest wraps they’re working on. It’s awesome to see some of their incredible work in progress and previous wraps in person instead […]