Cafe No Fur Monday Invasion Coverage – July 8th, 2019
Packed house at Cafe No fur this week. Noticeably the Monday Invasion car meets are gaining more attention and have consistently been larger. Sorry about the low lighting situation aside from the front of the business but they’ve assured us they’re working on it so that all spots are better for showing off rides at night. We appreciate all the […]

Coverage from Cafe No Fur meet June 24th, 2019
@R3dline310 got out this time to get some great photos of the cars that showed up to Cafe No Fur on Monday. Super packed this week taking up every space available all the way down the top of the parking garage. Even as such as always we had no issues thanks to everyone respecting the property. The cafe was extremely […]

Monday Invasion at Cafe No Fur Coverage – 3/19/2019
@manny_shootz took another artistic set of vehicle photos from our Monday meet at Cafe No Fur. Thanks to terrific weather we had a great turn out, probably the largest for a Monday so far. The kitchen was running around trying to get out all the orders. They appreciate everyone’s patience. We will be back there in two weeks, next week […]

Going underground at Cafe No Fur – Coverage
Welp we were blindsided when we showed up to our Monday Invasion to find out the shopping center was nearly full because of a restaurant throwing a Chinese New Year party. Fortunately for us the underground garage was open to us and ended up actually being better after all because it was freezing out and the garage sheltered us from […]