Cars in the Arts January – Packed from corner to corner
What a wonderful start to the year. Although chilly out everyone toughed it to be able to participate in one of our most packed events to date. Cars in the Arts is the start of our Sunday evening event that will take place every other month around our other event, Cars at the Cantina, which will be a Wednesday night event. We hope between these there’s plenty of entertainment to keep everyone happy and coming back for more of our signature showcase events that #savethecarmeets and elevate the experience for all with fun & safe car meets. Take a look at some awesome photos submitted to us from our local talent and be sure to show them some love on social media if you want to download and share their work. We appreciate each and every one of you who continue to come out and make our events so spectacular. And to our sponsors that come out to add value to your experience. We’ll see you all next month on February 22nd at El Dorado Cantina for Cars at the Cantina!