Perfect weather means meets are back in full swing
With the weather finally letting up we had a Wednesday night at James Regional that was much larger than it has been. The community was out en masse. I love being able to get out more regularly now and involved with meets that others are trying to organize when I’m not hosting. Yamato Car Club has been at this one for awhile so it’s awesome to get involved and help them grow. Even so it was tough to find a parking spot even for me. And I saw many taking laps hoping for just the right spot to open up. But this isn’t no grocery store. At a car meet people park and stay parked so good luck getting up front if you show up late.
There was as always a very nice mixture of vehicles as evident by the photos below. From a Liberty Walk G35, a classic 1980s Datsun pickup truck and a sweet oil slick looking wrapped Camaro to name a few.
Checkout the photos and don’t miss out on the next big meet coming up at carscenenetwork.com/18bin !