The Road To El Dorado showcase : Setting the bar higher
After lots of work I had the opportunity to return to Tivoli Village to partner with my friends at El Dorado Cantina. The last time we did something big here was way back in 2019 via a toy drive with our good friends 360 Carshow. Then the pandemic hit and interrupted all our plans. Sure we were a part of a few smaller things put on around this property since then but we wanted to deliver on the ideas that would set the bar higher. Finally the opportunity presented itself. With the help of Veronica at El Dorado Cantina we were able to convince the new owners of Tivoli to give us a chance. We received the green light to shut down the entire property and ran with it. We created an epic evening I’m extremely proud of. We delivered on our promises. The streets were filled by the car community. The restaurant patio was full. The vendors set up shop. DJ Bambu was spinning records at the restaurant. Everything went according to plan. And for that I want to thank each and every one of you who were able to help make that night happen! Thanks to you they’ve asked when we want to do the next one and you can expect our return in the fall. If you couldn’t make it we hope you will make the next one on July 27th at 18bin in the Arts District and stay tuned for further date announcements on carscenenetwork.com/events.
Check out the photos below and feel free to download the originals. If you use them online we ask you include the photographers handle in your caption, tag and leave their watermark please! These guys are volunteering their time to take photos and edit them so always show some love.