Coverage from 808 Smokes March Wednesday Invasion
Another week of massive meets. Our last of the month and it did not disappoint. The lot was overfilled, the line for food was a mile long and 808 Smokes barely had any standing room. Thanks again everyone for being a part of the fun. We’re off to a great start this year and I’m looking forward to the addition of new some spots we’ve gone to and have yet to try out too.
Here’s a short video I put together from Wednesday Invasion’s car meet.
Photos from @Manny_shootz. If you use them on social media be sure to tag him and @lasvegascarmeeets! Want to schedule a private photoshoot for you or a team? Go to the contact page and we’ll get you set up!
These photos are from @gyroe_ffc ! Tag him if you post them up. Photographers appreciate the support of their work.