Monday Invasion at Sabatino’s Pizzeria Coverage – 3/25/19
For our first visit to Sabatino’s Pizzeria and U-Swirl we had a full turn out of around 150 cars. On a Monday meet that’s pretty spectacular. We had a bit of everything in the lot from a mint 1967 Mustang to a new Audi R8.Everyone came together to enjoy the pizza and desserts. Thanks to Sabatino’s for offering to work with us and the discounted food! Then a shout out to the U-Swirl / Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for jumping in and offering deals too. It was awesome to see so many cars, families sitting down to eat pizza and then getting dragged over to the candy shop. Music was pumping down the isle to keep the lot energized. The lighting wasn’t great this time but they promised with the success of our first meet that next month they’ll add some additional lighting just for us! Look forward to that as we’ll likely go their once a month between our Cafe No Fur meets. Lighting didn’t stop Manny from capturing quality photos at all. All photos below by @manny_shootz so see if you’re in here and please credit him when using them on social media or your car will not be added in future albums. Support the man for his talent like you support my meets. It means the world to me. Thank for a really enjoyable evening out Monday. Stoked to bring more like that coming up.