Wednesday Invasion – 3 weeks of giving back to the community

Wednesday Invasion – 3 weeks of giving back to the community

Here we go! We have three @lasvegascarmeets Wednesday Invasions before Christmas which means three opportunities to give back to the community. December 5th at bring canned goods and other necessities as listed on our website for the local Three Square organization which provides daily meals to the less fortunate. December 12th bring clothes and hygienic products to @filmworkzlv to benefit the Southern Nevada Veterans Affairs healthcare system. December 19th we’re back at to collect toys for Sunrise Children’s Hospital to brighten up the lives of kids from infants to teens who will spend their holiday in the hospital. At all events we will accept donation up until 9pm in exchange for tickets to our sponsored raffle thanks to @filmworkzlv , , @clubtattoolasvegas , @aerodetailproducts , @ripitenergy , @vegasautomag , and @247skins . Donations are not required to join us! As always our events are free and open to all to participate in! We hope to see you out there and thank you for being a part of our car community!

Week 1 – December 5th – Three Square canned food drive

Donations Three Square needs

Week 2 – December 12th – Southern Nevada VA Essential Drive

Donations the SN VA need

Week 3 – December 19th – Sunrise Children’s Hospital Toy Drive

Donations Sunrise needs